It can be difficult to watch a parent age. Safety will always be the main priority – even if that comes at the expense of some of their independence. If you are asking yourself how to maintain your loved one’s well-being and dignity, you aren’t alone. In a recent article by Barry J. Jacobs on, he tries to give a few answers on how to balance the two. 

Tips on balancing autonomy with safety

Jacobs recounts the complicated task of convincing his mother to use her walker. After many attempts, she finally agreed. Your obstacles may be different. But, changing the dynamic from child to caregiver will be awkward in any situation. Jacobs suggests keeping them involved in the decision-making. Engage with your loved one as much as possible through changes. This can help give them a sense of control over their situation. Aging loved ones can often come to resent their need for care. Keeping them involved in decision-making can help ease those tensions. Another great tip is to assess what your aging parent still is and isn’t capable of. Allow them autonomy in areas where they can still perform well. 

Use monitoring systems for independence and security

Constant monitoring can feel overbearing to a loved one. Consider using monitoring systems in places where they need help. This way you no longer have to sacrifice their independence for security. Emergency alert systems can be a helpful, inconspicuous tool to keep a parent safe while carrying on their normal routine at home. Today’s devices can even monitor elderly patients with smartphone apps to keep you informed. You’ll be able to keep peace of mind anywhere. 

To see more tips from Jacobs or to read his article in its entirety, you can view it here. 

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